Sources of Ancient Healing Thermalism

Cicero ad Atticum 417.1

Way of Transmission
Around October the 28th, 44 BCE
Literary Genre
Canonical Reference
Cic. Att. 417.1
Thermal Terms
Thermal Spa Related

Dolabella, vir optimus, etsi, cum haec scribebam secunda mensa apposita, venisse eum ad Baias audiebam, tamen ad me ex Formiano scripsit, quas litteras cum e balineo exissem accepi, sese de attributione omnia summa fecisse.

The excellent Dolabella has written to me from Formiae, not-withstanding that, as I hear at the time of writing (which I am doing over dessert), he has arrived at Baiae. I received his letter when I came out of my bath. He says he has done his absolute possible about the transfer […]

Dolabela, hombre excelente, si bien cuando escribo esto, a los postres, oigo que ha llegado a Bayas, me escribió, sin embargo, desde su finca de Formias, carta que recibí al salir del baño, que él ha hecho todo lo posible sobre la transferencia.


Dolabella is in Baiae. Cicero receives his letter in Puteoli or Cumae, after taking a bath.

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Cicero ad Atticum 217.6

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