Sources of Ancient Healing Thermalism

Caelius Aurelianus Chronicae passiones 2.5.70

Way of Transmission
5th century CE
Literary Genre
Canonical Reference
Cael. Aur. chron. 2.5.70

70tunc etiam totius capitis curationem ex illisione aquarum supercadentium, quam Graeci cataclysmum appellant. quibus etiam aurium uicina sunt maxime concuranda. dehinc acopi[bu]s et dropaci⟨bu⟩s et malagmatibus acrioribus et aquis naturalibus utendum. sic enim interdata corporibus emoueri atque excludi mutatione poterunt curationis.

70Then prescribe the treatment in which the whole head is placed under a shower of water (Greek cataclysmos). It is particularly important that these measures benefit the parts near the ears as well as the ears themselves. In addition, prescribe restorative ointments, pitch plasters, sharp emollient plasters, and natural waters. For by the metasyncritic effect of these treatments chronic disorders can be removed and driven from the body.


Tratamientos para el dolor de oídos. Entre otras cosas recomienda usar chorros de agua en los oídos y aguas termales.

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