The book Archaeology of thermalism in the Iberian Peninsula is now available for free access!

Within the context of the I+D+i Project El tejido balneario durante época romana y tardoantigua en Hispania (15387/PHCS/10) (2014-2017), coordinated by G. Matilla Séiquer (professor of Ancient History at the […]
Workshop “Beyond the Bronze. Communities in transformation and mobility in the excavation of Bagno Grande (San Casciano dei Bagni)”. 29-30 January 2025

Between 29th and 30th January 2025, a new colloquium on the discoveries made in the village of San Casciano dei Bagni will be held in the Aula Magna Virginia Woolf […]
The new book on ancient thermalism, derived from the Madrid 2023 Congress, is now available in Open Access at Archaeopress !

Following the interesting congress held at the UAM, Madrid (Spain) in March 2023, a book with some of the interesting contributions made at the congress has just been published by […]
New studies on healing waters: Archaeology of thermalism publication

A new publication a on thermal healing spas studies has been published in the prestigious online journal Engramma, nº 214. Derived of an international seminar in Siena, Chianciano Terme and […]
New Workshop “Dentro il sacro. Multiculturalismo e plurilinguismo nello scavo del Bagno Grande a San Casciano dei Bagni” (25/26 January 2023)

A workshop talking about the new discoveries of San Casciano dei Bani will take place the next 25-26th January 2023 in the Università per Stranieri di Siena, Aula Magna Virginia […]
Last chance to send your abstract proposals to the 3rd International Thermal Congress !!!

As some of you have asked us to extend the deadline for submitting proposals to participate in the Thermal Congress, we have decided to postpone the deadline to 8th January […]
An incredible number of bronze sculptures and votive offerings have been discovered in San Casciano dei Bagni (Italy) !

Again, wonderful news gets from San Casciano dei Bagni, a small thermal medieval town in the south of Tuscany! As we published some months ago, new archaeological digs are taking […]
Days to talk about the Bathing culture in Budapest (Hungary), 8-15th september 2022

The Conference of the Frontinus Society on the History of Water Management and Hydraulic Engineering that took place in the Museum of the Buda Hill Castle in Budapest (Hungary) from […]
The proceedings of the “II Symposium: Aquae Flaviae, cidade termal” have been published

A new book with the Coloquium proceedings of the II Symposium “Aquae Flaviae. Cidade Termal” has been published (unfortunatly, it is not yet online). In this book, some articles about […]
A new Thermal Sanctuary has been discovered in San Casciano dei Bagni !!!

These days, some news have been published about the incredible Etruscan and Roman thermal Sanctuary of San Casciano dei Bagno (Toscany, Italy). The archaeological studies started in this small and […]
New archaeological digs, new thermal projects

Have you been working in a Roman thermal site this summer? Let us to know about it sending us your information! Recently, a team of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid […]
Baden/Aquae Helveticae (Switzerland) Research Project and lecture on Roman, medieval and modern spas: A diachronic and interdisciplinary view of a cultural phenomenon

The healing spa of Baden in Switzerland (Canton Aargau), the Roman Aquae Helveticae, looks back to over 2000 years of history. No doubt the sulphurous springs that surge at a […]
New Archaeological Project on the Roman Healing Spa of São Vicente (Penafiel, Portugal)

Approved the Archaeological Project “Roman Healing Spa of São Vicente (Penafiel, Portugal): Review of the Built Structures and Their Interpretation in the Context of Roman Thermal Spas” (BAL-SAOVICENTE) In the […]