Again, wonderful news gets from San Casciano dei Bagni, a small thermal medieval town in the south of Tuscany!

As we published some months ago, new archaeological digs are taking place in the area of the free pool Bagno Grande, one of the hottest and most abundant thermal springs in this town.

Today, we have received a large number of link (a, b, c among others) to different publications and videos about the wonderful discoveries found in this Thermal water Sanctuary, not only bronze sculptures -with some etruscan and latin inscriptions-, bronze anatomical exvotos, thousand of coins, and different object linked to the curative and religious power of these waters.

This is another fantastic example of the importance and singularity of mineral-medicinal waters in Antiquity!!!


Congratulations to the archaeologists Emanuele Mariotti and Jacopo Tabolli and all your team!

But also Congratulation to San Casciano dei Bagni inhabitants for this wonderful thermal heritage preserved in your town 😉 !!!!!


(By Silvia González Soutelo)