New studies on healing waters: Archaeology of thermalism publication

A new publication a on thermal healing spas studies has been published in the prestigious online journal Engramma, nº 214. Derived of an international seminar in Siena, Chianciano Terme and […]
Training Days “Et Me Te: Etruscology-Medicine-Thermae” (25-27th September 2023)

On 25-27th September 2023, some training days on Etruscology-Medicine-Terme will take place in the cities of Siena, Chianciano Terme and San Casciano dei Bagni (Italy). These sessions, coordinated by Jacoppo […]
New Workshop “Dentro il sacro. Multiculturalismo e plurilinguismo nello scavo del Bagno Grande a San Casciano dei Bagni” (25/26 January 2023)

A workshop talking about the new discoveries of San Casciano dei Bani will take place the next 25-26th January 2023 in the Università per Stranieri di Siena, Aula Magna Virginia […]
An incredible number of bronze sculptures and votive offerings have been discovered in San Casciano dei Bagni (Italy) !

Again, wonderful news gets from San Casciano dei Bagni, a small thermal medieval town in the south of Tuscany! As we published some months ago, new archaeological digs are taking […]