Sources of Ancient Healing Thermalism

Caelius Aurelianus Chronicae passiones 5.4.77

Way of Transmission
5th century CE
Literary Genre
Canonical Reference
Cael. Aur. chron. 5.4.77

77tum cataclysmo utendum, cuius nominis uim praescriptis libris saepius latin⟨iz⟩auimus, ita natatio adhibenda aquarum sua uirtute medentium, quibus magis erit in solutionibus utendum; eligendae sunt namque specialiter, quae aluminis habeant qualitatem, ut sunt in Italia Albulae appellatae et Nepesinae et Cotiliae et Auguriae, his uero, qui lapidibus uel scabro uesicae afficiuntur, erunt eligendae aquae salsae uel quae nitri habeant qualitatem, ut apud Aenariam insulam, quae potandae atque lauacro adhibendae sunt.

77And use the shower bath (Greek cataclys­mos, which we have often translated into Latin in previous sec­ tions). Also prescribe swimming in waters that have curative properties, employing this measure chiefly in cases involving a state of looseness. In such cases choose especially those waters that contain alum, e.g., the so-called Albulan, Nepesine, Cutilian, and Augurian springs in Italy. But in cases of bladder stone or scabies, choose waters containing salt or nitrum, e.g., the springs on the island of Aenaria; these springs should be used for both drinking and bathing.


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