Sources of Ancient Healing Thermalism

Caelius Aurelianus Chronicae passiones 3.2.45

Way of Transmission
5th century CE
Literary Genre
Canonical Reference
Cels. 3.2.45

45Tunc aegrotantes maritima natatione exercendi atque cataclysmo curandi, hoc est aquarum illisione, suppositis partibus patientibus. animo praeterea securo atque facili esse conuenit curandos et aquarum naturalium usum adhibere, ut sunt in Italia, quae Cotiliae sunt appellatae et Nepesinae; lauacro atque potu aptissime utendum adhibita aeris mutatione longa, terrena, maritima; exercitationibus uariis palaestrarum adhibito praeceptore utendum, atque ita iisdem resumptionibus corpus conuenit recurare. sic enim perseueratione et uentositas excludetur stomachi et aliae quoque supradictae passiones depelluntur.

45Then have the patient take the exercise afforded by swimming in the sea. And prescribe the use of a shower, i.e., the playing of a stream of water over the affected parts. The patient should be kept unworried and calm. And it is well also to prescribe the use of natural springs, for instance, the Cutilian and the Nepesine in Italy; have the patient bathe in these waters and drink them, for this will be most beneficial. Again, have him take a long trip abroad by land or sea to obtain a change of climate. Also pre­scribe varied exercises in the palaestra under the direction of a trainer, and keep building up the bodily strength by these same restorative measures. For continual treatment of this kind will put an end to gas in the esophagus and will also overcome the other ailments mentioned above.


Tratamientos para los problemas de esófago. Recomienda las aguas con propiedades naturales, entre otras cosas. Menciona balnearios que son útiles para esta dolencia.

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