Edificios de baños vinculados a la ciudad etrusco-romana de Cumas
Thermal site on the Bay of Naples, famous for its hot springs in Antiquity. Nowadays, there are some impresive remains of their thermal spas that can be visited.
Edificios de baños vinculados a la ciudad etrusco-romana de Cumas
Thermal site on the Bay of Naples, famous for its hot springs in Antiquity. Nowadays, there are some impresive remains of their thermal spas that can be visited.
Según Socas 2011: 152, n.252, este era el “nombre de las Termópilas, donde corría un arroyo de aguas termales, en el que se decía que se había arrojado Hércules, torturado
A research website about Archaeology of Ancient Roman Thermalism — and a meeting point for researchers and other people interested in this subject (Thermal Network).