de Fannio consoler te? perniciosa loquebatur de mansione tua. L. vero Lentulus Hortensi domum sibi et Caesaris hortos et Baias desponderat.
Ought I to offer you my condolences about Fannius? He used to talk mischievously about your staying behind. As for L. Lentulus, he had earmarked Hortensius’ town house and Caesar’s places in the suburbs and at Baiae.
Respecto a Fannio, ¿debo consolarte? Decía cosas sumamente dañinas de tu permanencia. Por cierto que Lucio Léntulo se había asignado la casa de Hortensio, los jardines de César y Bayas.
After the death of Lucius Cornelius Lentulus Crus, Cicero says that he had planned to recieve a property in Baiae as a reward for staying on Pompey’s faction.