Sources of Ancient Healing Thermalism

Caelius Aurelianus Chronicae passiones 3.8.112

Way of Transmission
5th century CE
Literary Genre
Canonical Reference
Cael. Aur. chron. 3.8.112

112adhibenda etiam acopa feruentia, et sudationes ex naturali materia prouocare. habet enim recorporandi uirtutem ex quacumque metallorum materia exhalatio naturalis. item ex harena litoris sole ignita torrenda corpora.

112Also employ hot restorative ointments. And induce sweating by means of natural substances; for the vapors that arise naturally from any mineral substance have a metasyn- critic property.


Tratamientos para la hidropesía. Como siempre, entre otras cosas que sirvan para calentar el cuerpo, recomienda los vapores calientes que salen de la tierra.

Related Sources

Plinius Naturalis historia 31.4

Pliny the Elder indicates the importance of mineral and thermal springs were for humans, and how in some occassions, these springs caused the creation of some urbes because the value of these waters for health. In this case, he includes the examples of some of those cities: Puteolos (Puteoli, Italy), (Aquae) Statiellas (Acqui Terme, Italy) and (Aquae) Sextias (Aix-en-Provence, in France)

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Related Sources

Cicero ad Atticum 362.1

Cicero promises Atticus to inquire and tell him “about the bussiness from Baiae”, that is, about Hircio, Pansa and Balbo, who were in Baiae. He will do so in the

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Lucretius 6.738–756

Describe lugares donde hay charcas o lagos que exhalan vaporesVapor de agua. nocivos. El indicador más importante de la existencia estos lugares es que los pájaros caen muertos al sobrevolarlos.

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