Sources of Ancient Healing Thermalism

Caelius Aurelianus Chronicae passiones 4.1.1

Way of Transmission
5th century CE
Literary Genre
Canonical Reference
Cael. Aur. chron. 4.1.1

1⟨…⟩ heliosis, dropacismus et lixiuii calidi perfusio et psychrolusia atque cataclysmus, hoc est aquarum e supernis illisio, natatio maritima et aquarum na⟨t⟩uralium et magis frigidarum, quae aluminis naturam exhalent, quas stypteri[a]z⟨us⟩as uocauerunt, siue ferrugineas, quas siderizusas appellant;

1[prescribe] sun-bathing, pitch plasters, a dousing with hot lye, cold baths, a shower bath, that is to say, a stream of water from above, and swimming in the sea or in mineral springs. Cold springs that give off vapors of alum (Greek styptērizusae) and chalybeate waters (Greek sidērizusae) are the best for this pur­pose.


Tratamientos para la elephantiasis, una forma de lepra. Describe varios tipos de aguas naturales apropiadas: aluminosas y ferruginosas.

Related Sources

Celsus 1.1.2

El libro 1 de Celso sobre la medicina comienza dando consejos generales para quien está sano, con la idea de que conserve su buena salud. Y una de las primeras

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Related Sources

Horace Epistulae 1.16.12–14

Horacio describe a su amigo Quincio su amada finca sabina, que contiene una fuente de agua fría medicinal. Posiblemente se trate del nacimiento del río Digentia, que poseía propiedades curativas

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Plinius Naturalis historia 31.4

Pliny the Elder indicates the importance of mineral and thermal springs were for humans, and how in some occassions, these springs caused the creation of some urbes because the value of these waters for health. In this case, he includes the examples of some of those cities: Puteolos (Puteoli, Italy), (Aquae) Statiellas (Acqui Terme, Italy) and (Aquae) Sextias (Aix-en-Provence, in France)

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Celsus 3.27.1.D–E

El capítulo 27 del libro 3 está dedicado a la parálisis. Recomienda fomentos y baños en agua salada caliente, preferiblemente marina o de balnearios. A falta de aguas con propiedades

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