Workshop “Beyond the Bronze. Communities in transformation and mobility in the excavation of Bagno Grande (San Casciano dei Bagni)”. 29-30 January 2025

Between 29th and 30th January 2025, a new colloquium on the discoveries made in the village of San Casciano dei Bagni will be held in the Aula Magna Virginia Woolf […]
New Workshop in sight: Thermalisme et villes dans l’Occident romain ! (Paris, 16-18th June 2024)

Summer is on its way, and it comes with thermal news… ! We will start the month of June with a Colloquium on Thermalism and cities in the Western Empire, […]
Good news! The next “thermal meeting” will take place in Vichy!

We are pleased to announce that the “tradition” of International Conferences on the ancient thermal spas will be renewed in 2025 ! Although different interesting proposals have been presented to […]
Training Days “Et Me Te: Etruscology-Medicine-Thermae” (25-27th September 2023)

On 25-27th September 2023, some training days on Etruscology-Medicine-Terme will take place in the cities of Siena, Chianciano Terme and San Casciano dei Bagni (Italy). These sessions, coordinated by Jacoppo […]
The provisional brochure of the 3rd International conference on Ancient thermalism is already here!

We are pleased to inform you that the provisional brochure of the 3rd International conference on Ancient thermalism is already here! We will have very different presentations, of some very […]
New Workshop “Dentro il sacro. Multiculturalismo e plurilinguismo nello scavo del Bagno Grande a San Casciano dei Bagni” (25/26 January 2023)

A workshop talking about the new discoveries of San Casciano dei Bani will take place the next 25-26th January 2023 in the Università per Stranieri di Siena, Aula Magna Virginia […]
Call for papers for the next 3rd International workshop on Ancient thermalism: “Thermal spas and territory: the role of the mineral-medicinal waters in the Roman provinces” (2023) will be anounced soon !

After, the 1st International workshop Roman Baths and Thermo-mineral Baths in Urban and (Micro) Regional Perspectives (Kiel 2021); and the 2nd International Workshop Roman Baths and Thermo-mineral Baths: an update […]
2nd Workshop ROMAN BATHS AND THERMO-MINERAL-BATHS: an update on the present state of research. Programme

2nd Workshop ROMAN BATHS AND THERMO-MINERAL-BATHS – an update on the present state of research On Friday 18th February 2022, the Institute of Archaeological Sciences of the University of […]
Baden/Aquae Helveticae (Switzerland) Research Project and lecture on Roman, medieval and modern spas: A diachronic and interdisciplinary view of a cultural phenomenon

The healing spa of Baden in Switzerland (Canton Aargau), the Roman Aquae Helveticae, looks back to over 2000 years of history. No doubt the sulphurous springs that surge at a […]
Online workshop “Roman Baths and Thermo-Mineral Baths in urban and Micro-regional perspectives” (Kiel, 15th–16th January 2021)

From the 15th to the 16th January 2021 will take place the Online-Workshop & Networking Event for Early-Career-Researchers, organized by the Kiel University, entitled “Roman Baths and Thermo-Mineral Baths in […]