Workshop “Beyond the Bronze. Communities in transformation and mobility in the excavation of Bagno Grande (San Casciano dei Bagni)”. 29-30 January 2025

Between 29th and 30th January 2025, a new colloquium on the discoveries made in the village of San Casciano dei Bagni will be held in the Aula Magna Virginia Woolf […]
New Workshop in sight: Thermalisme et villes dans l’Occident romain ! (Paris, 16-18th June 2024)

Summer is on its way, and it comes with thermal news… ! We will start the month of June with a Colloquium on Thermalism and cities in the Western Empire, […]
Training Days “Et Me Te: Etruscology-Medicine-Thermae” (25-27th September 2023)

On 25-27th September 2023, some training days on Etruscology-Medicine-Terme will take place in the cities of Siena, Chianciano Terme and San Casciano dei Bagni (Italy). These sessions, coordinated by Jacoppo […]
A new project on ancient thermalism will start this September: THERMASCAPE

The national project entitled: “THERMASCAPE: The thermal landscape in Hispania. The role of thermal spas in the Iberian Peninsula since Roman Age”, coordinated by Dr. Silvia González Soutelo, starts this […]