Fuentes para el estudio del termalismo minero-medicinal en la Antigüedad

Caelius Aurelianus Chronicae passiones 5.11.134–135

Way of Transmission
5th century CE
Género literario
Canonical Reference
Cael. Aur. chron. 5.11.134–135

134Conuenit etiam sole corpora torrere, quod Graeci heliosin uocant, tum paroptesi ex flamma uel carbonibus et siccis uaporationibus prouocatur sudor. et nunc feruentia lauacra, quae plurimum detrahant, nunc frigida, quae corpus in densitatem cogant, denique psychrolutarum corpora densa ac ueluti testea sentiuntur. 135conuenit etiam arenae litorariae adhibendus feruor, tum natatio[ne] maritima uel aquarum naturali uirtute medentium et in lauacris sudore perfecto asperginem salis adhibere, qua saepe condita caro animalium ciborum uoluptati sicca seruatur atque densior nec collecta marcescit.

134Further, it is beneficial to bake the body in the sun (Greek hēliōsis); also to apply intense heat, using flames, hot coals, and dry steaming, in order to induce perspiration. Prescribe some hot baths, for these are very effective in reducing flesh, and also some cold baths, for these condense the body; in fact, the bodies of persons who bathe in cold water are found to be hard and like shells. In addition, let the patient bake his body with the hot sand of the beach. 135Also prescribe swim­ming in the sea or in waters that have natural curative proper­ties. And in the hot baths, after sweating is completed, have the patient’s body sprinkled with salt. (In fact, the flesh of animals is often treated in this way and then preserved dry until needed for food; it becomes hard and compact and does not decom­pose.)


Tratamientos para los problemas de obesidad. Recomienda tratamientos en balnearios.

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