The call for papers to the 3rd International Congress on Ancient thermalism is already open!

After the 1st International workshop Roman Baths and Thermo-mineral Baths in Urban and (Micro) Regional Perspectives (Kiel 2021); and the 2nd International Workshop Roman Baths and Thermo-mineral Baths: an update on the present state of research (Bern, 2022), we are pleased to inform you that we are already working on the organization of the 3rd International Thermal Congress that will take place at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid -UAM- (Spain) in 9-10th March 2023.

For this 3rd workshop, we propose to put the focus on questions about thermal spas and territory, including different subjects:

  • Healing spas adapted to topographical and geological local conditions. Constructive solutions to different issues.
  • Architectonical and functional characteristics of thermal spas: the use of local and foreign materials and technical knowledge
  • The role of bathing establishments in the different territories
  • Healing spas and ancient roads. Pilgrims and visitors on thermal sites

 As in the previous meetings, the idea is to reinforce a network for the exchange of experiences and ideas related to the study of Ancient spas, focused on the Roman bath establishments with mineral-medicinal waters. The goal will be to create a forum of discussion about Roman Thermalism, adopting a mixed format onsite and online.

The best proposals will be suggested to be published in a high-level scientific publication with peer review.

To see the webpage of the Congress, please click here.

We are looking forward to seeing you in Madrid!!!


If you have any doubt or question, please contact us:


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