New congress on Roman baths (Rome, 18-20 October 2023)

Roman Baths and Agency: The human factor in designing, building, using, experiencing, and maintaining bath buildings in the Roman territories (Rome, 18-20 October 2023)


Sadi Maréchal (Ghent University) & Konogan Beaufay (CSCA – University of Cambridge), in collaboration with Maura Medri (Università degli Studi Roma Tre) and with the support of the Axson Johnson Centre for the Study of Classical Architecture (University of Cambridge), the Academia Belgica, the Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome and the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy – Ghent University, are organizing a new International conference on ‘Roman Baths and Agency’ in Rome (Academia Belgica), on 18-20 October 2023.


Some key themes and questions have been suggested: Bathing and society ; New technologies in bath studies; Experiencing baths ; Planning and building baths ; Beyond archaeological data; and Regional bathing.

This conference thus aims at promoting a more holistic approach to Roman bathhouses and bathing habits by focusing on the human–building interaction, and by replacing the individual and the collective at the centre of the research on Roman baths. If you want more information about the Call for Papers, see this webpage.

Remember: if you want to participate, please send a 300-word abstract to by 30 June 2023.


See you in Rome?



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