During 2 days, an internacional group of researchers from a very large list of countries (Croatia, Bulgaria, North Macedonian, Hungary, France, Germany, Italy, France, England, Portugal and Spain) participated in the 3rd International Congress on Ancient Thermalism celebrated in Madrid, on 9-10th March 2023.

They met at the University Autónoma de Madrid, to present their respective works made on each of their countries, showing a wide sample of archaeological sites, specific problems on their studies and about other contents directly linked to mineral-medicinal waters in antiquity. The presentations were essentially face-to-face, although they were also held online giving all those who could not attend for various reasons the opportunity to participate in the different discussions and interesting debates that were raised.

Thus, at the proposal of the coordinator of this 3rd Congress -Silvia González Soutelo- according to the legacy of previous online meetings (1st at the German University of Kiel -by Julika Steglisch- and 2nd at the University of Bern -by Andrea Schaer-) the creation of a work network on thermalism was suggested to allows specialists and general public to be in contact and exchange experiences and knowledge on the multiple problems that thermal heritage poses.

This website will serve as a platform to create different tools and contents about this subject, as well as to keep subscribers and interested public informed about activities, studies, projects, congresses and archaeological performances of different nature, expecting this may be useful to study, preserve and disseminate this fragile but extremely interesting heritage, and recovering the value and importance of this natural resource over time.


Everybody interested on Thermalism is welcome. Let us to know your proposals  !!!!!


By: Silvia González Soutelo