The book Archaeology of thermalism in the Iberian Peninsula is now available for free access!

Within the context of the I+D+i Project El tejido balneario durante época romana y tardoantigua en Hispania (15387/PHCS/10) (2014-2017), coordinated by G. Matilla Séiquer (professor of Ancient History at the […]
Call for papers for the next 3rd International workshop on Ancient thermalism: “Thermal spas and territory: the role of the mineral-medicinal waters in the Roman provinces” (2023) will be anounced soon !

After, the 1st International workshop Roman Baths and Thermo-mineral Baths in Urban and (Micro) Regional Perspectives (Kiel 2021); and the 2nd International Workshop Roman Baths and Thermo-mineral Baths: an update […]