Fuentes para el estudio del termalismo minero-medicinal en la Antigüedad

Florus epitomae 1.38.7

Way of Transmission
1st–2nd century CE
Género literario
Canonical Reference
Flor. epit. 1.38.7
Thermal Spa Related
Aquae Sextiae

7 Marius mira statim velocitate occupatis compendiis praevenit hostem, prioresque Teutonas sub ipsis Alpium radicibus adsecutus in loco quem Aquas Sextias vocant quo —fidem numinum— proelio oppressit!

7Mario se les anticipó, yendo por atajos con ex­traordinaria rapidez, y, persiguiendo a la avanzadilla teutona por la falda misma de los Alpes, los venció —¡dioses!— en qué combate, en el lugar que denominan Aqua Sextia.


Nombre del lugar.

Related Sources

Plinius Naturalis historia 31.4

Pliny the Elder indicates the importance of mineral and thermal springs were for humans, and how in some occassions, these springs caused the creation of some urbes because the value of these waters for health. In this case, he includes the examples of some of those cities: Puteolos (Puteoli, Italy), (Aquae) Statiellas (Acqui Terme, Italy) and (Aquae) Sextias (Aix-en-Provence, in France)

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