The exhibition about San Casciano dei Bagni opens in Rome today !

One of the best colection of bronze objets discovered in the Etruscan and Roman thermal sanctuary from San Casciano dei Bagni can be already visited in the Palazzo Quirinale of Rome.

Starting 23th June 23, the access is possible in limited numbers (it’s a small exhibition space) with reservation on-line. After a summer break, this exhibition will still be open during the Roman Baths congress that will take place also in Rome in October 2023.

This congress, entitled Roman Baths and Agency: The human factor in designing, building, using, experiencing, and maintaining bath buildings in the Roman territories (Rome, 18-20 October 2023) could be a good opportunity to share new aspects about Ancient thermalism and to discuss about the similarities and differences of healing spas and other type of Roman baths establishments.

Remember that the deadline to send your proposal to participate in this meeting is the 30th June 2023 😉


(thanks to J.H.)


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