Provisional programme for the IVth Conference on Ancient Thermalism in Vichy (25-28 May 2025)

The members of the organisation of the IV International Congress on Ancient Thermalism, to be held in Vichy (France) on 26, 27 and 28 May, on the theme of ‘The […]
The book Archaeology of thermalism in the Iberian Peninsula is now available for free access!

Within the context of the I+D+i Project El tejido balneario durante época romana y tardoantigua en Hispania (15387/PHCS/10) (2014-2017), coordinated by G. Matilla Séiquer (professor of Ancient History at the […]
A new guide to the baths of Baden in Switzerland

Under the title “Welcome to the Garden of Eden”, a new popular scientific guide to the baths of Baden in Switzerland was published at the end of October 2022. […]