2nd Online-Workshop ROMAN BATHS AND THERMO-MINERAL BATHS: an update on the present state of research with focus on questions of continuity

Baden. Postcard from the Andrea Schaer collection.

A new workshop on Thermal-Mineral Baths will take place in February 2022!

The Institute of Archaeological Sciences of the University of Bern (Switzerland)
will host this second workshop on February 18th/19th 2022, that will also take place via Zoom.
In this new Seminar, the organization proposes to put the focus on questions of continuity.

Call for papers is already open!

The individual presentation slots are 20 Min plus 5 Mins for questions; and the conference language is English. Nevertheless, if it is not possible for you to present in English, you should prepare the slides in English.
If you would like to present a paper, please send an abstract of 250-300 words.
to contact 1  or contact2, until December 10th 2021.

As the organization of the workshop suggests, feel free to invite other colleagues working in the wide field of baths and bathing culture to join this workshop and to send in their proposals!



Workshop information sent by:

Andrea Schaer, lic. phil.
Associate researcher
University of Bern
Institute of Archaeological Sciences


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