Shane Bjornlie 2019
Shane Bjornlie, M. (2019): Cassiodorus: The Variae. The Complete Translation, University of California Press, Oakland (Ca).
Shane Bjornlie, M. (2019): Cassiodorus: The Variae. The Complete Translation, University of California Press, Oakland (Ca).
Shackleton Bailey, David Roy (Ed.). (2004). Cicero’s letters to Atticus. Vol. VI, 44 B.C., 355-426 (books XIV-XVI). Cambridge University Press.
Alvar Ezquerra, A. (1990): Décimo Magno Ausonio Obras, 2 vols. Gredos. Madrid.
Guy Serbat (1995): Celse De la médecine, tome I, texte établi, traduit et commenté par Guy Serbat, París, Les Belles Lettres.
A research website about Archaeology of Ancient Roman Thermalism — and a meeting point for researchers and other people interested in this subject (Thermal Network).