Letters to Atticus Vol 3 Shackleton Bailey, 2004
Shackleton Bailey, David R. (2004). Cicero’s letters to Atticus Vol. 3 51 – 50 B.C.: 94 – 132 (books V – VII, 9) (Ser. Cabridge Classical Texts and Commentaries). Cambridge
Shackleton Bailey, David R. (2004). Cicero’s letters to Atticus Vol. 3 51 – 50 B.C.: 94 – 132 (books V – VII, 9) (Ser. Cabridge Classical Texts and Commentaries). Cambridge
Fernando Navarro Antolín (2002), Quinto Horacio Flaco: Epístolas. Arte Poética, edición crítica, traducción y notas, colección Alma Mater, CSIC, Madrid.
Epigraphic Database Heidelberg. Inscriptions Database. URL: https://edh.ub.uni-heidelberg.de/inschrift/suche.
Mommsen, Th. (1894): Cassiodori Senatoris Variae, Monumenta Germaniae Historica – Auctores antiquissimi, vol. XII.
A research website about Archaeology of Ancient Roman Thermalism — and a meeting point for researchers and other people interested in this subject (Thermal Network).